• 555 Republic Dr. #200 Plano, TX 75074

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you know what type of criteria insurance companies use to set your rates?

    Auto insurance:
    Type of car, your driving history, your claim history, your credit history, where you live, how old/new your car is, number of miles you drive, how much driving you do between midnight and 4am, and many many other things.

    Things that don’t affect your car insurance premium:
    Type of music you listen to, your car’s color, whether you prefer Chevys or Fords.

    Home insurance:
    Where your home is, how far from a fire hydrant and fire station it is, how old it is, age of the roof, number of bathrooms, your claim history, your credit history, the size of the home, if you have dogs and what breed, if you have a trampoline, if you have a diving board in your pool.

  • An umbrella policy is an excess policy that sits above your primary policies. For businesses, the umbrella would be on top of the general liability policy, auto liability policy, and employer’s liability policy. For personal clients, the umbrella would be on top of your home (personal liability) policy and auto liability policy

  • The insurance carriers check driving records to determine your insurance rates.

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